

Acuerdo de colaboración con la revista Prospectivas de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi


KAIRÓS, revista de ciencias económicas, jurídicas y administrativas de la Unach, y Prospectivas, revista de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, suscriben un acuerdo de colaboración, en desarrollo de una estrategia conjunta de construir una comunidad editorial científica de calidad. 

Read more about Acuerdo de colaboración con la revista Prospectivas de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi

Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 13 (2024): Kairós, Revista de Ciencias Económicas, Jurídicas y Administrativas
					View Vol. 7 No. 13 (2024): Kairós, Revista de Ciencias Económicas, Jurídicas y Administrativas
Published: 2024-07-15

Artículos de reflexión

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Object of the journal

Kairós, Journal of Economy, Law and Administrative Sciences (ISSN: 2631-2743), is a biannual (published in January and July of each year) open access academic publication, edited by the Faculty of Political and Administrative Sciences of the National University of Chimborazo (Ecuador). It aims to disseminate the results of research and academic work carried out in national and international universities and research centers. The magazine is aimed at professionals, academics, researchers, students, and others interested in the social and behavioral sciences, especially those related in general terms to economics, administration, and the legal and legal sciences.

Focus and Scope

The Journal considers for publication unpublished and original academic articles related to political, economic, legal, administrative, accounting, communicational, and tourism aspects, presented as theoretical or applied contributions. The magazine will give priority to the publication of works whose object of study are Ecuadorian and Latin American problems.

The articles received by the journal are preliminarily evaluated by the editor, considering standards of academic quality and originality. Those articles that comply with this requirement are submitted to the anonymous evaluation of two national or international juries (double blind method). The comments of the juries will be known to the authors. In the opinion of the editor, methodological notes, book reviews and brief comments on published articles may also be published in the journal, together with the response of the author (s) of the original article.

The Magazine offers its articles in free format (Open Access, OAJ); In other words, any article published in it can be accessed for free through the magazine's website:

To send comments to the magazine, please contact the editor: PhD. Diego Enrique Pinilla-Rodríguez, to the address: Publications and Intellectual Property Unit. National University of Chimborazo. Campus "La Dolorosa" Avda. Eloy Alfaro and 10 de Agosto. Email:; or the editorial coordinator, PhD. Gerardo Nieves, to the email:

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