Learning writing, ICT, Virtual environmentsAbstract
The main objective of this research is the evaluation of the writing learning process through virtual learning environments in the pandemic, developed in first-year children of basic education in a total of 182 samples taken in the academic period 2021-2022, incursion of ICT Information and Communication Technologies; in recent times it has taken center stage in online education; the need to continue the academic process during the unexpected global impact of the corona virus pandemic worsened the pre-existing educational crisis; This research analyzes the learning process of writing through the use of virtual platforms, during the pandemic. The study was based on the qualitative and quantitative paradigm, based on the observations in the learning process through the use of educational tests, in search of the causes and facts of the investigation, oriented to the verification of the hypothesis, based on the techniques applied to students and teachers of the first year of basic education, a total of 182 samples, which showed successful results of the use of virtual learning environments in the writing process.
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