Institutional quality and arrival of international tourists in Latin America


  • Carol A. Andrade-Zambrano Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo



Latinoamérica, gobernabilidad, instituciones, turistas internacionales


The aim is to establish whether the political, governance, and institutional situation of Latin American countries influence the attraction of international tourism. For this purpose, panel data from 17 countries are used for the period 1996 to 2019, under generalized least squares regression models of fixed and variable effects, to identify whether a set of governance variables (control of corruption, political stability, and absence of violence, regulatory quality, respect for the rule of law, participation and accountability) explain the level of international tourist arrivals to 17 Latin American countries. The results suggest that political stability influences, although to a lesser extent when choosing the tourist destination. Other control variables such as hotel infrastructure and environmental quality seem to be more explanatory.


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How to Cite

Andrade-Zambrano, C. A. (2021). Institutional quality and arrival of international tourists in Latin America. Kairos: Journal of Economy, Law and Administrative Sciences, 4(7), 94-112.