


digital competences, ICT competences, higher education teacher, bibliometrics


The digital competencies of teachers in recent years have become especially important, even more so in the transition from face-to-face to virtual teaching and learning processes, which have been boosted because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this sense, this research aims to perform a bibliometric analysis of the digital competencies of higher education teachers in the last ten years. For this, 2000 most relevant documents from the Scopus database were used, according to a search equation, from which productivity metrics related to publications, visibility and impact were analyzed, in addition to the inclusion of collaborative works. The results show that publications and citations are concentrated in certain countries and authors, which correspond to those who work in larger networks and have higher h and g indexes.


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How to Cite

Urrego, A. J., Grados Fabara, K., & Vilema Endara, W. I. (2023). DIGITAL COMPETENCES OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS. Kairos: Journal of Economy, Law and Administrative Sciences, 6(11), 86–104.