


WIPO, Innovation Survey, Business Economics, Industrial property, Innovation Economy


The relationship between research, development (R&D) and patents has become more relevant in the last three decades. However, research at the national level has been scarce. Through the study of the knowledge economy and with an empirical exercise, we seek to measure the effect of investments in R&D of Ecuadorian industries on the generation of patents, with the use of a logistic model with cross-sectional data for the 2009 and 2014 periods, taken from the National Survey of Science Technology and Innovation Activities of Ecuador (ACTI), published by SENESCYT. Evidence is found that in Ecuador manufacturing companies that carry out research and development are more likely to patent. Similarly, the results suggest that companies with more time (seniority) in the market, together with external cooperation in R&D and size, influence a greater probability of patenting.


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How to Cite

RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND GENERATION OF PATENTS: CASE STUDY FOR ECUADOR. (2020). Kairos: Journal of Economy, Law and Administrative Sciences, 3(5), 8-20.