



Cinematography, Communication, film festival, alternative space, audience training


Film festivals are alternative spaces for the dissemination of cinematographic content and for the training of audiences. The Ecuadorian Kunturñawi Film Festival has been held since 2006 and aims to decentralize the cinematography made in Ecuador and become a space for reflection and debate in the central region of the country, especially in Riobamba. The objective of the present study is to analyze the seventh edition of the mentioned festival based on the criteria established by Jury (2018), to assess the quality of the Kunturñawi and place it in one of the categories proposed by this author. It is concluded that the Kunturñawi meets 15 of the 18 criteria set by Jury (2018), so it can be categorized into the highest category.


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How to Cite

KUNTURÑAWI ECUADORIAN FILM FESTIVAL: ANALYSIS FOR CONFORMATION AS A FILM FESTIVAL CATEGORY A. (2020). Kairos: Journal of Economy, Law and Administrative Sciences, 3(4), 16-26. https://doi.org/10.37135/kai.003.04.02