
  • Eduardo G. Zurita-Moreano Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Nelly S. Maliza-Chavez Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • María G. González Bautista Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6326-9766




Human capital, living conditions, education, income, population


The research focuses on analyzing the relationship between poverty and fertility in Ecuador during the year 2020. This relationship is studied by applying a binary logistic regression model -logit-, and whose measurement instrument was the statistical birth registration survey. still alive and fetal deaths in 2020. The results show that fertility has a positive and significant impact on poverty: the greater the number of children, the greater the probability of falling into a situation of poverty. In addition, when fertility is analyzed based on other conditions, such as the mother's low level of education, ethnicity, and marital status, there is more depth to explain the poverty rates


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How to Cite

POVERTY AND FERTILITY IN ECUADOR, PERIOD 2020. (2024). Kairos: Journal of Economy, Law and Administrative Sciences, 7(12), 103-125. https://doi.org/10.37135/kai.03.12.06