


desarrollo humano, Sumak Kawsay, pueblos indígenas, capacidades


The objective of the article is to analyze the relationship between Amartya Sen's ethical theory of human development and the anthropological approach of the Andean cosmovision, examining its ethical and anthropocentric considerations that represent the possibility of rethinking alternative development processes. In order to support this objective, a dialogue between the theoretical and ethical approach to capabilities is presented through a literature review of Sen's works on human development and empirical research on the Andean cosmovision of the indigenous peoples of Ecuador. It is concluded that their postulates share a critical character to the dominant model of capitalist development and seek the opening of new spaces of human dignity.


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How to Cite

DEVELOPMENT AND COSMOVISION IN THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF ECUADOR FROM AMARTYA SEN’S PERSPECTIVE. (2022). Kairos: Journal of Economy, Law and Administrative Sciences, 5(8), 9-25.