KAIRÓS, Journal of Economy, Law and Administrative Sciences, registers its trademark with SENADI
The National Service of Intellectual Rights of Ecuador -SENADI-, entity in charge of regulating, managing, and controlling what concerns intellectual rights in Ecuador, through its National Directorate of Intellectual Property, granted by Resolution No. SENADI_2020_RS_449 of 11 of January 2020, the title that accredits the registration PRODUCT BRAND, to KAIRÓS, Journal of Economic, Legal and Administrative Sciences.
Benefits and Rights conferred by the trademark registration
Right to exclusive use of the brand. Only the owner can make use of the sign. Right to act against any third party that uses the trademark without the authorization of the owner of the registration.
Brand protection throughout the Republic of Ecuador.
Priority right in the countries of the Andean Community of Nations (Colombia, Peru and Bolivia), within the first six months of submitting the application in our country.
By registering your brand, you make it an intangible asset, which, in many cases, becomes the most valuable asset.