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Author Guidelines

Instructions for authors

* Kairós, Journal of Economy, Law and Administrative Sciences, only publishes the results of original research, theoretical and practical works related to economic, administrative, accounting, legal and communicational aspects. Publications are received in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese. No translations are published (please review section “about the magazine).

* The reception of articles is open and constant.

* The articles uploaded and sent by the authors through the OJS platform will be taken into account.

* Articles sent to the magazine's email will also be taken into account:

* Before submitting or uploading your article to the OJS platform, make sure that the file does not contain your name or other personal data, this in order to guarantee a blind review.

* If your article is published in Spanish or in another language, the magazine does not publish or upload a different version to the portal than the submitted language.

* Please note that the review process for your article will range from three months to six months.

* During the reception and evaluation process, the magazine sends messages to your email account about the status of your contribution through the OJS platform, so we recommend that you constantly check the spam or spam folder because many messages sent from OJS may be hosted on this site.

* Finally we suggest you take into account all the requirements and rules of the magazine before submitting your article. This is the first filter that is done, the document that does not arrive with all the requirements will not be approved.

* We ask that you take the following information into account so that you and the magazine team make efficient use of editorial times and processes.

General information

The author of the article must register as an author in the journal's Open Journal System (OJS) profile:

Once registered, you must follow the instructions found there, upload the article and the requested format (Information on the origin of the article). It is essential and mandatory to fill in all the fields of the registration form for both the author and the article information. All the dialing codes for the corresponding country must be placed in the telephone field.

Although the magazine encourages the use of the OJS platform, articles sent to the magazine's email will also be taken into account:

General requirements:

1. The works must be totally unpublished, and must not be sent simultaneously to another publication. Translations of articles already published are not accepted.

2. Before submitting or uploading your article to the OJS platform, make sure that the manuscript file does NOT contain the names of the authors or other personal data. For this purpose, on a separate sheet the author will indicate his name, as he wishes it to appear in the publication, including that of the co-authors, if any, their place of affiliation and telephone or email data, and in general all that information that allows its location in the event that any query is required, for this you will fill out the “Academic data of the author” format that will be sent to you electronically.

3. Before submitting or uploading your article to the OJS platform, make sure that the article complies with all the rules and requirements of the magazine.

4. It must be sent to the magazine's email or uploaded to the platform in OJS in Word format with margins in Normal style (bottom and top: 2.5 cm; left and right: 2.5 cm), on A4 size sheet, line spacing 1.5, justified, in Arial letter 12.

5. The maximum length of each manuscript should not exceed 8,000 words, and the minimum length of 4,000, including figures, tables and bibliographic references. The Editorial Committee in exceptional cases may approve manuscripts that exceed 8,000 words.

6. No journalistic genre documents or general comments are received on any topic.

7. The authors grant permission to the Kairós for their article to be disseminated in other media.

8.The reception of articles is open and constant.

9. Articles are received in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.

10. All authors must register the name under which they publish in the international registry of authors —IRALIS—, at the address:

11. All authors must provide their ORCID, if the author does not have it, they must register at

12. The sections that the work must include are the following (except for the articles for reflection, in which it is not necessary to differentiate the sections on methodology, results and discussion):

Title. It must be descriptive and cover the content of the work. It must be in capital letters, bold and centered. In the following line, in a fixed capital letter, centered, but not bold, in the English language.

Abstract (maximum 800 characters with space) containing a brief description of each of the main sections: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and most relevant conclusions. Avoid starting "This article is about ..." or the like. It should not include tables, numbers, references or mathematical expressions. The information in the abstract should be consistent with that presented in the rest of the article. It must be submitted in the manuscript language and in English.

Keywords. They are descriptors of the manuscript content, with a minimum of three and a maximum of five, separated by commas (,). They must be written in the language of the manuscript and in English. Keywords are general concepts related to content. This allows identifying the theme of the article.

Since keywords are the marks that search engines use to find articles on the Internet, it is recommended that you choose words that are not part of the title and that highlight the main aspects of the article. It is recommended to review the terms and hierarchies in the bibliographic list THESAURUS -

Introduction. It should motivate the study, summarizing its framework or foundations, without the need to thoroughly review the topic, and end with a clear statement of the objective of the work. Only those strictly necessary references will be included according to current and relevant criteria in relation to the purposes of the study.

Methods. Researchers should describe their methods clearly and unambiguously, including the necessary information about the procedures, measurement instruments, variables, and analysis methods used. This section should include enough information so that other authors can replicate the work. The editorial committee can request the questionnaire used in the study, if any, or that it be published with the article if it is finally accepted. Human studies must have the express approval of the corresponding ethics committee.

Results. The results must be presented in a concise and clear way, with the minimum necessary number of tables and figures. They should be presented so that there is no unnecessary duplication or repetition of information in the text and in the figures or tables.

Discussion and Conclusions. The novel and relevant aspects of the work will be highlighted, as well as the conclusions derived from it. Avoid repeating in detail information or data already presented in the previous sections. The results obtained will be discussed in relation to those of other relevant previous studies, and the differences and similarities will be interpreted. The strengths and limitations of the study will be pointed out, and their possible implications in the interpretation of the results will be discussed. The conclusions should be related to the objectives of the study, and statements that are not sufficiently supported by the available data should be avoided. When appropriate, authors are recommended to refer to the implications of their study for public policy or public or private management.

References. Must appear complete at the end of the article in the form of a list, in Arial 12, arranged alphabetically by author and, for each author, in chronological order, from oldest to most recent. Following international APA (American Psychological Association) standards. It is recommended to check the citation of the references in an automatic bibliography generator. You can check

The bibliographic list according to the APA style has an exact relationship with the citations that appear in the text of the work. It only includes the resources that were used to carry out the research and work preparation.

The bibliographic list will be titled: References.

The list is in alphabetical order by author's last name and is included with the initials of their names.

The list is written in space and a half.

Magazine or book titles are written in italics. In the case of magazines, the text in italics varies from the title of the magazine to the number of the volume.

13. Tables, figures, graphs and illustrations will be strictly necessary and must be self-explanatory (without having to resort to the text for understanding). They must indicate the units of measurement and contain all the footnotes and the source must be clearly specified. They should be sent inserted in the text in the place that each author considers appropriate.

Each table and figure must be headed with the expression "Table" or "Figure" and its legend.

In addition, a single file will be sent with a compressed folder in which all the figures are included in JPG or PNG format, easily identifiable (figure number in the file name) and with an acceptable quality.

14. Mathematical notation. Equations or formulas must be center aligned with consecutive Arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses to their right. They must also have the respective subscripts, superscripts and Greek letters clearly specified.

15. Once the article has been reviewed and approved by the blind peer reviewers, it will be edited in PDF, before being published, each print will receive a print proof in the final PDF format. The author must give his consent to the latest edition and once authorized it can be published.

Types of articles

The articles can be of the three types described below:

Original research

Works carried out with quantitative or qualitative methodology related to any aspect of research in the economic, administrative, accounting, legal and communication fields.

Bibliographic reviews

Bibliometric studies, systematic reviews, meta-analyzes and meta-synthesis on relevant and current issues in the economic, administrative, accounting, legal and communication fields. It will be a scientific article that collects the most relevant information on a specific topic. The fundamental objective is to identify what is known about the subject, what has been investigated and what aspects remain unknown.

For the preparation of systematic reviews or meta-analyzes it is recommended to adapt to what is indicated in the latest version of the PRISMA statement (


Document that presents results of completed research from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. These may be case studies (doctrinal articles) or jurisprudential comments.




Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.


Table of Contents



Publication Rules

Editorial Policy

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.