About the Journal

Journal's object

Kairós, Journal of Economy, Law and Administrative Sciences (ISSN: 2631-2743), is an open access biannual academic publication (published in January and July of each year), edited by the Faculty of Political and Administrative Sciences of the National University of Chimborazo (Ecuador). It aims to disseminate the results of research and academic work developed in universities and research centers, national and international. The journal is aimed at professionals, academics, researchers, students, and others interested in social and behavioral sciences, especially those related in general terms to economics, administration, and legal and legal sciences.

Focus and Reach

Kairós, Journal of Economy, Law and Administrative Sciences, considers for publication unpublished and original academic articles related to political, economy, law, administrative, accounting, communication, and tourism aspects, presented as theoretical or applied contributions. The journal will give precedence to the publication of works whose object of study are Ecuadorian and Latin American problems.

The articles received by the journal are preliminarily evaluated by the editor, considering standards of academic quality and originality. Those articles that meet this requirement are subjected to the anonymous evaluation of two national or international juries (double blind method). The comments of the juries will be known by the authors. In the opinion of the editor, the journal may also publish methodological notes, review of books and brief comments on published articles, together with the response of the author (s) of the original article.

The Journal offers its articles in free format (Open Access, OAJ); that is, you can access for free any article published in it through the website of the Journal: http://kairos.unach.edu.ec

To send comments to the journal, please write to the editor: PhD. Diego Enrique Pinilla-Rodríguez, at the address: Publications and Intellectual Property Unit. National University of Chimborazo. Campus "La Dolorosa" Avda. Eloy Alfaro and August 10. Email: kairos@unach.edu.ec; or the editorial coordinator, PhD. Gerardo Nieves, to the email: gnieves@unach.edu.ec

Peer evaluation process

Kairós, Journal of Economy, Law and Administrative Sciences, is an academic journal of national and international diffusion, that publishes articles product of investigations related to economic, administrative, accounting, legal and communicational aspects.

Each article received is submitted to the judgment of anonymous evaluators. The evaluation is in charge of professionals with extensive academic experience and recognition in each of the subjects evaluated. In this process, formats with criteria relevant to the areas of knowledge are used. The editorial committee carries out the procedure for evaluating the documents received, under the double-blind methodology. The evaluation is guided by the following criteria:

  • In terms of content, for its relevance, relevance, for its contributions, for its depth, and conceptual and methodological rigor.
  • Regarding the formal aspect, for its structure, style and ease of reading.
The evaluation process and its criteria guarantee that the articles published in the journal are of excellent quality.

Frequency of publication

The journal publishes a number every six months (2 editions under an annual volume), covering the periods of January-June, and July-December. The numbers are published at the beginning of the declared periods (January and July).

Open access policy

This is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available at no charge to the user or their institution. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other legal purpose, without asking permission from the publisher or author.

This scientific journal does not require payments for the processing of articles or publication, nor does it establish embargo periods for its authors.
KAIRÓS, journal of economic, legal and administrative sciences maintains its commitment to the policies of Open Access to scientific information, considering that both scientific publications and research financed with public funds must circulate on the Internet freely, free of charge and without restrictions .

Terms of the license

The articles published by Kairós are distributed under a CC BY-NC-ND license, which is why it is free to share: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

Evaluation of articles and editorial process

At the moment of receiving an article, the editorial team evaluates whether it complies with the basic requirements demanded by the journal (Extension of the abstract and the document citation and formal presentation standards), as well as its relevance (themes) and quality (objective, framework theoretical, methodology, conclusions and bibliography).

The articles that meet the thematic and formal requirements indicated in these instructions will be received for evaluation and for consideration by peer reviewers. Items that do not conform to these standards will be declared as not approved. Kairós, Journal of Economic, Legal and Administrative Sciences reserves the right to make the editorial changes it deems appropriate.

Subsequently, all contributions are submitted to the evaluation of anonymous arbitrators. The results of the evaluations will be communicated to the author within a period of less than three months from the reception of the article.

The observations of the evaluators, as well as those of the editorial team, should be taken into account by the author, who will make the requested adjustments. These modifications and corrections to the manuscript must be made by the author within the period specified by the editor of the journal (approximately 15 days).

After receiving the modified article, the author will be informed about its approval. The editorial team reserves the final word on the publication of the articles and the number in which they will be published. That date will be fulfilled as long as the author sends all the documentation requested to him within the indicated period.


When submitting its work to Kairós, Journal of economic, legal and administrative sciences, the author assigns the rights of reproduction, publication, public communication, distribution and transformation to the editor in a non-exclusive manner so that it can be published in the journal in electronic version and can be consulted from the website of the magazine.

Likewise, the authors authorize that their article be published with a Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND.

The authors who publish in this journal agree with the following terms:
  • The authors retain the copyright and guarantee the magazine the right to be the first publication of the work as well as licensed under a Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND.
  • Authors may separately establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (for example, place it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.
  • Authors are allowed and encouraged to disseminate their work electronically (for example, in institutional repositories or on their own website) after its publication, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as an earlier and higher citation of the published works (See The Effect of Open Access) (in English).

Declaration of Ethics and good scientific and editorial practices

This scientific journal is governed by international standards published by the Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE) [1]. In turn, it is based on the Best Practice Guide for editors of scientific journals [2] and the Resource Pack for Ethics in Publication (PERK) [3], developed by the Elsevier publishing group, in order to guarantee transparency both in the publication of contributions and in the associated conflict resolution procedures.

The editorial team of this scientific journal will ensure that all parties (editors, peer reviewers and authors) fully follow the ethical standards throughout the editorial process.

Kairós, uses the automated plagiarism management system -Urkund- to detect possible plagiarism in the manuscripts received, so that all articles will be reviewed with this method, accepting up to a maximum of 10% similarities.


Avoid improper conduct in the investigation:

  • Fraud in the investigation.
  • Improper experimentation with or in animals and humans.

Avoid serious breaches of professional ethics:

  • Simultaneous deliveries, duplicate publication.
  • Conflict of interests.
  • Authorship disputes.
  • Fragmentation.

Evaluating peers

  • Declare conflicts of interest or disabilities.
  • Adhere strictly to the policies of the evaluation process of the journal.
  • Answer requests and send evaluations on time.
  • Make a methodical and rigorous evaluation, as expected, given the level of expertise of the evaluating pair.
  • Respect the confidentiality of the information linked to the editorial process.
