KAIRÓS, revista de ciencias económicas, jurídicas y administrativas, 5(8), pp. 144-165. Primer semestre
de 2022 (Ecuador). ISSN 2631-2743. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37135/kai.03.08.08
Carlos Padilla Moran
Table 2. Working population by sectors and activities in Mexico from 2008 to 2018.
Economic sector or branch PO* 08 %* PO* 18 %* Δ***
Total 44,798,686 100% 54,194,608 100%
Primary sector. 6,244,756 13.94% 6,874,691 12.69% -1.25%
Secondary sector. 11,046,708 24.66% 13,864,904 25.58% 0.92%
Extractive and electricity industry. 413,184 0.92% 398,788 0.74% -0.19%
Manufacturing industry. 6,997,919 15.62% 9,090,533 16.77% 1.15%
Construction. 3,635,605 8.12% 4,375,583 8.07% -0.04%
Third sector. 27,163,979 60.64% 33,170,241 61.21% 0.57%
Comercio. 8,735,487 19.50% 10,082,351 18.60% -0.90%
Restaurants and accommodation services. 2,843,647 6.35% 4,249,632 7.84% 1.49%
Transportation, communications, mail, and storage. 2,283,579 5.10% 2,832,600 5.23% 0.13%
Professional, nancial, and corporate services. 2,685,791 6.00% 3,955,199 7.30% 1.30%
Social services. 3,777,383 8.43% 4,321,009 7.97% -0.46%
Various services. 4,588,924 10.24% 5,449,702 10.06% -0.19%
Government and international organizations. 2,249,168 5.02% 2,279,748 4.21% -0.81%
* People working in the activity or sector. ** Percentage of participation of the total employed workers. Δ *** Growth in percentage
points of the participation of the activity or sector in the period.
Source: Own elaboration based on the ENOE.
According to table 2, in 2008, the employed population in Mexico was 44,798,686. Of these,
13.94% of the total national work is in the primary sector. On the other hand, the secondary sector
represents 24.66% of employment, manufacturing being where most of it is found (15.62%);
followed by construction (8.07%), and the extractive and electricity industry (0.92%), respectively.
The tertiary sector occupies most of the employment this year (60.64%), the largest participation
is found in commerce (19.50%) and various services (10.24%), while the minor occupation is
represented by the government and international organizations (5.02%).
In 2018, workers in Mexico reached 54,194,608, of which 12.69% were employed in the
primary sector. The secondary sector occupies 25.58% of national employment, being 16.77% in
manufacturing activities, 8.12% in construction, and 0.74% in the extractive industry and electricity.
Tertiary activities are those that occupy most of the workers this year, representing 61.21% of the
workers, most of which are in commerce (18.60%) and various services (10.06%). In contrast, the
activity with the lowest occupational occupation is the government and international organizations
In the decade, the total employed population in Mexico has an increase of 20.97%, slightly less
than the growth of GDP production as indicated above (23.17%), which suggests an increase in
productivity. In this period, the participation of economic sectors is altered in the following way
in the employment structure: The primary sector is reduced (-1.25%). Since the share of these
activities in GDP remains the same, it is suggested that (in relative terms) workers have migrated
to higher productivity activities (because agricultural activities have the lowest productivity in the
entire economy).